Quality & Organizational Development: 

What does it take to achieve real organizational change?


Consider these key elements:

Engaged Workforce

Natural Teams

Customer-Driven Decisions

HR Policies that support the first 3

Monitoring your progress


To achieve a workforce truly engaged in what they do requires:

Effective coaching skills

Free flow of communication among all positions

Increased authority and accountability of front line employees

Employee sense that what they do matters to leadership


Organized around the Team Concept requires:

Recognizing natural work groups are teams

Existing organizational chart should be your “Communication Highway”

Regular team meetings need to happen & need printed agendas

Coaches held accountable by their team for conveying information both up and down the organizational chart


Guided by decisions that prioritize service quality requires:

Human Resource Systems which support desired behaviors

Compensation and rewards/incentives which support desired behaviors

Selection and placement process which support desired behaviors


Monitoring your progress requires:

Assessing employee opinion

Tracking progress or decline from year to year

Addressing specific trouble spots identified in annual assessment

Achieving positive perception from 7 of 10 employees at all levels


Assisting with cultural or organizational change has been a major part of the Hopkins Associates experience.  Teaching thousands of people how to identify ways to work smarter and meet personal performance standards, we understand the importance of “owning” one’s job to accomplishing these goals.


Let’s talk.